Tagged: Personal


Coming back home after a gap-year around (half) the world

It’s been nearly 2 months since I came back from my 1 year round (half) the world trip. The first month I was pretty much just busy meeting up with friends to tell them about my experiences and hearing from them what has changed in a year time. You’d think that 1 year is long, but when you’re traveling for a year, everything passes by so fast. When people asked me about some stories and experiences from my trip, I often don’t know where to begin the story. One of the most difficult and rather annoying question is asking me...

UCLA troph room & Hall of Fame goes a long way back 0

City of Angels – Los Angeles part 2

UCLA Most people who visit Los Angeles wouldn’t think about going to the local university, but my friend wanted to go get one of those college sweatshirts and I wanted to check out where the Fresh prince of Bel-Air went to school. So off we went! The campus itself was impressive, when I was in college, we never had a campus of this size. The atmosphere around was really cool, the whole college feel. There is a lot of school pride too. I saw tons of people wearing the colors of the school and UCLA sweatshirts and t-shirts. Made me...

Lazy days 0

Long due update

So I’ve sorta gone back to my old habits. Neglecting my blog and neglecting updates. Not that nothing has happened since my last post. However, since I was working my full time job, I just didn’t have the time or motivation (at the time) to organise everything for my trip. However now it’s different, lemme give you guys a quick update on what happened the last couple of months / weeks. Work It’s been about a week since I quit my job as Search marketing consultant. Looking back at the date, it seemed like forever eventhough it’s only been a...